Saturday, 8 January 2011

turning it up for '11

I don't think I have ever been so happy to start a new year.

As a rule, I don't really buy into the 'new years' resolution thing.
Why should it have to be the beginning of the year to make positive changes to your life? I know I pick up bad habits irrelevant of the season or month.
Besides, January is the worst
time of year to decide you're going to lose weight or quit smoking or go to the gym three times a week. It's cold and usually raining. The holidays have just passed; leaving in their wake a fridge full of extra comfort food and more time spent lazing around in the warm. Everyone's back to work or school and after a few weeks of the same old humdrum toil all your good intentions and fuzzy feelings about changing for the better have vanished under the ever rising tide of day-to-day crap.
Having said all that, I have this year decided to ignore my usual annual cynicism.
2010 was a really, really shit year; so in the interest of not spending another twelve months in a pit of misery, heartbreak and self pity I'm writing it off as a bad job and moving on. And so, the resolutions:

* Keep a blog.
I have tried to start blogs before.
They all ended the same way; a weeks worth of posts then nothing.
But not this time.

* Cook for my family and friends more
I like to cook, they like my food. Simples.

* Eat more raw.
Having been vegan for years I know a lot about the raw lifestyle and its benefits and after a year of being pretty lazy with my diet, its definitely time for a change.

*Pass my English Lit. course.

*Finish designs for my sleeve and get it done by my birthday.

*Pass my driving test.

*Take more photographs and paint more.

There's other things as well but they're a bit more personal and not really internet suitable, but those are a good start.

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