Saturday, 15 January 2011

fugly food week

I've been fixated on breakfast/brunch foods a lot this week.
And salad. 
Because, well you gotta mix it up.

However I'm having a bit of an issue in that all the pictures I've taken of pretty meals end up looking horrendous and like they belong here.
Meanwhile all my ugly ugly food fails are photographing wonderfully.
It's like some sort of conspiracy.
I blame the terrible light at this time of year...

In other news, I've been watching so much Ace Of Cakes in the last few days... 
Cupcake Wars as well. Can't help but love my cheesy cooking shows. 
Then there's Man Vs. Food. 
My secret shame =p
Some people like to watch dancing-on-ice-with-stars-ultimate-idol-top-model-apprenctice crap. I like to watch Adam Richman test his gastronomical prowess and general capacity for asshattery while smug in the knowledge that I will never have to subject myself to the crap he's consuming. 
Plus it's hella funny.

My uglyass blueberry pancakes with lemon juice and bannana.  
Modified from a recipe from 
These were yummy despite my inability to form them into anything that actually resembled proper pancakes.

Porridge with bananna, crunchy peanut butter, maple syrup and apple. Again, much nicer than it looks here. Cranberry juice on the side to wash down my vast supply of vitamins and supplements.

Boring looking but delicious 'meat' pie made with Redwood's Cheatin' Deli Mince, onions, peas, gravy, left over roasted potatos and savoury short crust pastry. Nom. First time I'd used the mince and was really pleased with it, added lovely texture and flavour without being too realistically 'meaty' cuz that creeps me the hell out.

Didn't get around to getting any pics of salads, they got eaten too fast. Maybe next week.
Going to Wagamamas with the family tonight which is always a nice treat =] not having to cook for myself and a menu with more than one meal option gets me pretty excited these days. Been doing an awful lot of general cooking at the mo, my brothers girlfriend has pretty much moved in with us so the ratio of vegans/vegetarians to meat eating peoples in the house has shifted in my favour. Means the boys are now eating at least vegetarian since they pretty much never cook but we do and none of us will cook them any meat. Haha. I'm sure eventually they'll crave it enough to make something for themselves, but for now we are an all-vegetable zone. 
Going to enjoy it while it lasts!

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